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G.723.1 is an audio codec for voice that compresses voice audio in 30 ms frames. An algorithmic look-ahead of 7.5 ms duration means that total algorithmic delay is 37.5 ms. Its official name is Dual rate speech coder for multimedia communications transmitting at 5.3 and 6.3 kbit/s.

SPIRIT G.723.1 dual rate vocoder conforms to ITU-T G.723.1 recommendation. It can be used in a wide range of applications such as multimedia devices, visual telephony, wireless telephony, and videoconferencing products.


  • Fully bit exact with ITU-T G.723.1 and G.723.1A
  • 3 and 6.3 Kbps encoded bit stream rates
  • Discontinuous transmission support (DTX) using Voice Activity
  • Detection (VAD) and Comfort Noise Generation (CNG)
  • Input/output samples format: Linear PCM, 8 kHz, 16 bits. Block based processing supported
  • Very simple application interface
  • eXpressDSP compliant. Code is reentrant, supports multithreading and dynamic memory allocation

To integrate SPIRIT G.723.1 into your video conferencing application or service please send us a request at sales@spiritdsp.com

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Other components for IP voice and video calling apps provided by SPIRIT: