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H.239 is an ITU-T recommendation from the H.32x Multimedia Communications’ macrofamily of standards for multimedia communications over various networks.

The H.239 recommendation is titled «Role management and additional media channels for H.3xx-series terminals». Practical importance of this recommendation is its setting forth a way to have multiple video channels (e.g., one for conferencing, another for presentation) within a single session (call).

SPIRIT supports H.239 to implement doc and app sharing into IP voice and video conferencing platform or service as part of VideoMost server

H.239 is an extension to the H.323 family of specifications to allow a second video stream in parallel with the primary live video stream to share any type of content such as slides and spreadsheets. This second stream is one-way and considered important in video-conferencing where a viewer can see the speaker and in parallel, the presentation slides. That means, while you can see and talk to people from remote locations using video conferencing technology, you can also share your screen output or a document camera output to the participants on the remote end. The presenter can show a presentation/ graphic file from device, to remote conference participants. It makes easier to understand the context of discussion.

H.239 is supposed to be compatible with Video Conferencing systems connected over both IP and ISDN networks. In case of Multi-Conference system (video conference between 3 or more locations simultaneously), a presenter can connect laptop and show the data/presentation, which is received by all the participants.

To integrate H.239 into your video conferencing application or service please fill request below:

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please send us a request at sales@spiritdsp.com

Other components for IP voice and video calling apps provided by SPIRIT: