VideoMost 8.0 New Release: Genuine On-premise Video Conferencing Server for Businesses & Governments

SPIRIT DSP, a leading independent business communications SDK provider, with software products serving more than 1 billion people in 100+ countries, announced today the latest release of VideoMost, version 8.0 – an all-software enterprise video conferencing server with mobile, PC and web clients.
According to IDC, worldwide unified communications & collaboration (UC&C) market grew 26.7% year over year and 6.6% quarter over quarter to $12.2 billion in the third quarter of 2020.
As vaccination helps return to the offices, many businesses are eager to take back control over their critical communications, and will welcome alternatives to cloud-based conferencing services that could be installed on-premises and run inside a corporate network for greater security.
The combination of new VideoMost 8.0 video conferencing server and SPIRIT DSP mobile messaging server TeamSpirit IM delivers a complete enterprise-grade unified communications (UC) platform. This release offers a familiar user experience, and is ready now for on-premise server installations, as well as both cloud and hybrid deployments. “You can license and self-host VideoMost server at a fraction of Zoom cloud prices.” – says Andrew Sviridenko, CEO of SPIRIT DSP. VideoMost 8.0 is a genuine on-premises alternative to cloud UC services that deliver a familiar Zoom-like UI.
“Tribune” layout automatically switches video to active speaker. Each participant can manage video layouts as they want. It takes one click to start screen sharing, whiteboarding, text chat, or to switch to another collaboration tool – familiar icons are always at hand in the toolbar.

VideoMost and TeamSpirit IM integration allows document sharing not only on PC, but also on mobile devices. TeamSpirit messenger users can quickly access and participate in VideoMost video conferences by clicking on an invitation link in a messenger or email. VideoMost supports broadcasting via RTMP or RTSP to YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch etc., for large audience coverage.
VideoMost 8.0 Linux-based server is easier to administer due to simplified installation procedures. VideoMost 8.0 allows recording of audio / video / sharing separately or in any combination, and it saves corporate storage space that fills up rapidly with the growing demand for remote working and online communications.
VideoMost supports Outlook/Exchange/AD integration, and users can join via Chrome browser with WebRTC, or by using desktop app VideoMost Proton, for both Windows and Mac OS. Mobile users can access VideoMost via apps available at the AppStore and Google Play. Hardware terminal users (Polycom, Cisco, Avaya, Huawei, etc.) can join VideoMost video conferences using SIP/BFCP and H.323/H.239 protocols.
Teams can now work from any device and any network by deploying the VideoMost 8.0 enterprise-grade secure business communications platform on-premises. Being a self-hosted video conferencing server, ensures enterprises complete control over confidential corporate communications.
VideoMost 8.0 video conferencing software runs on both regular x86 and ARM-based HW servers, and effectively manages Internet bandwidth. This release also delivers server federation (cascading) and multi-tenancy.
SPIRIT offers white-label licensing for VideoMost to immediately launch UC and collaboration services under the brand of a service provider. A fully functional trial license for the self-hosted video conferencing server is available now, free from any payments or commitments for three months, with up to 500 registered users and 100 video participants per conference. This free license supports collaboration tools and SIP/H.323 interoperability, and can be extended beyond initial 3 months or easily upgraded to annual or perpetual license at any time.